Help with Hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids are basically bulged veins that swell around the anus. They are typically caused by things that cause pressure in our belly area that ‘back up blood flow’, such as:

  • Heavy lifting

  • Straining with bowel movements (like with constipation)

  • Frequent bowel movements like with diarrhea

  • Pregnancy

  • Obesity

  • Prolonged sitting or standing

A general video:

A more detailed, advanced video:


Regulate Your Bowel Movements – It is important to avoid straining with constipation. It is also important to avoid overly frequent bowel movements with diarrhea. Aim to have one soft bowel movement per day. Metamucil can be a very helpful here because it helps both diarrhea and constipation.

Soak in Warm Baths – try doing this two or three times per day to keep the area clean and soft.

Ice – apply and ice pack off and on to help the pain and swelling.

Anti-inflammatory Medications – like Advil (ibuprofen) may help with pain and swelling, as long as it is safe for you to take them.

Topical Medications – there are many options of creams, ointments, or foams that are available over-the-counter without prescription. Ask your local pharmacist for help. It should be noted, though, that recent guidelines from 2018 suggest there is no strong evidence that these topical medications actually help and may actually cause increased sensitivity and reactions.

Venixxa this is an oral medication that is available over the-counter medication. Many patients find this helpful. Ask your local pharmacist for help as you do not need a prescription.

NOTE: there is no quick fix for hemorrhoids. Follow the above recommendations and you will improve, but it may take at least a few days.


New bleeding or lumps – if you have never been diagnosed with hemorrhoids before, and you are experiencing new bleeding or lumps around the anal area. Hemorrhoids are not worrisome, but you need to see a doctor to ensure it is truly hemorrhoids and not something else.

Severe Bleeding – most bleeding from hemorrhoids is mild and does not cause significant blood loss. However, you should see a doctor if you are experiencing severe or prolonged bleeding.

Surgery – hemorrhoids rarely require surgery, but if your hemorrhoids are so severe that you would consider surgical options, then see your Family Doctor for a referral to a surgeon.